Category Archives: HOMEWORK

Homework for 2/13-2/24, 2017

  1.  Vocabulary test during 2/13 week.
  2. Study fallacy (2/13 week) and propaganda (2/20 week) types by watching classmatesʻ videos (for which you have also contributed through your own video) and Quizlet games at Google Classroom.
  3. Study logic classroom notes.

Happy Valentineʻs Day and have an awesome four-day weekend!

Nov. 14-Nov 25, 2016

  1.  Study Greek/Latin vocabulary words.  Be ready for test.
  2.  Complete Odyssey book and handout by Thurs/Fri, Nov. 18.
  3. Begin reading part 1 (11/17 & 11/18) & part 2 (11/24 & 11/15) of Out of the Dust or Black Ships of Troy and do QRP response for each part.
  4. Study poetry handouts.

Homework week of Sept. 12-24, 2016

Week of Sept. 12:

1A & 1B:  Set 8 read and analyze for plot; vocabulary set 3.  Complete “Golden Glass.”

6A & 6B:  Set 10 read and analyze; vocabulary set 3. Complete “Golden Glass.”

Week of September 19:

1A & 1B: Set 10, read and analyze; vocabulary web.  Memoir of Career Speaker.

6A & 6B: Set 12, read and summarize; vocabulary web.  Memoir of Career Speaker.