Grade 2: Seek & Apply Knowledge
Benchmark 1
Use schema and text to infer big ideas.
Benchmark 2
Use visualization strategies to understand text.
Benchmark 3
Recognize when meaning breaks down and use strategies to repair meaning.
Grade 5: Seek & Apply Knowledge
Benchmark 1
Sort and sift information to construct main ideas (determining importance).
Benchmark 2
Identify and paraphrase important information and present it in a condensed form (summarize).
Benchmark 3
Synthesize big ideas and issues from a collection of facts (synthesizing).
Grade 8: Seek & Apply Knowledge
Benchmark 1
Analyze and interpret the structure, format, purpose, and significant literary devices of fiction and/or non-fiction: fiction (e.g. plot, theme, setting, climax, types of conflict, resolution); non-fiction (e.g. central idea, cause and effect, listing, problem-solution, persuasion, compare-contrast, informative).
Benchmark 2
Analyze text to determine the author’s motive and purpose.
Benchmark 3
Construct new knowledge and ideas through making connections (text to text, text to self, text to real world) using details, inferring, and supporting an idea with evidence from the text.
Grade 10: Seek & Apply Knowledge
Benchmark 1
Students will synthesize information from multiple, varied and relevant sources and perspectives to create original work (e.g. a variety of primary and secondary resources: oral, written, visual (film/artwork), electronic et al, experiential, observations, kupuna, kumu, oli, mo‘olelo).
Benchmark 2
Students will demonstrate kuleana in inquiry and research processes by honoring the source of knowledge through integration of citations, quotations, paraphrases, summaries, and protocols.
Benchmark 3
Students will apply appropriate thought processes when engaging with various texts (e.g. compare/contrast, evaluate, make connections, annotate, intuit, visualize, respond critically, infer, makawalu).
Benchmark 4
Students will initiate and interact with sources in a mutual exchange of ‘ike (knowledge) and mana (wisdom) (i.e. collaborative groups, one on one, interaction, teacher/student facilitated)(e.g. literature circles, peer editing, ho‘opäpä, hö‘ike, Socratic seminar)
Grade 10: Identity
Benchmark 1
Students will articulate how mo‘okü‘auhau (genealogy) is used as a reflection of identity (e.g. texts, movies, visual arts, images, verbal, non-verbal).
Benchmark 2
Students will articulate how sense of place is used as a reflection of identity (e.g. wahi pana (legendary place), setting, one hänau (birthplace), ancestral homeland).