Monthly Archives: April 2018
4/30 Newsela due dates
The latest Write regarding the Koreas is due this Friday 5/4. Have your reading and annotations completed by Wednesday. We will have a Socratic circle to help you with your Write. An optional Write was also assigned. This will be … Continue reading
4/30 Turning in your Powtoon today
Period 1 Google classroom is zagb35 Period 2 Google classroom is g9oz1xg Get on My Powtoons Export or re-export to PDF Choose Education and Public and Standard Copy the link and paste into the comment section of your google classroom.
4/24 Rubric for Human Rights Powtoon
4/23 Exemplars for the tariff Write
I was surprised to see several students use tariffs as an advocacy for Freedom of Expression. This freedom applies to the right to use any form of media for example, to express themselves. If you wanted to dance, or sing, … Continue reading
4/19 Informed opinion exemplars
These extended responses all had better uses of evidence. Common problems were misunderstandings about import/export and who was affected by tariffs. You needed to provided two opposite perspectives and not all did. Also, most people need to work on a … Continue reading
4/17 Human Rights Cartoon – Powtoons due 4/30
Kumu Siarot gave a lesson on storyboarding for the human rights cartoon assignment. Today we reviewed the directions and the due dates. These dates were put in the planners. Next weekʻs regularly scheduled Newsela assignment has been postponed, in order … Continue reading
4/16 – Newsela due dates
You have been assigned the latest Newsela article regarding the recent tariffs on China. Please complete your reading and annotations by Wednesday, as we will conduct a Socratic circle, that will assist you in understanding tariffs, and complete the Write. … Continue reading
4/14 Exemplars to Roosevelt speech
It is a mistake to choose the higher level of reading, when you have been given the option of the lower lexile and you donʻt understand the higher level, but you chose it because it seems shorter. I wanted you … Continue reading
4/12 Exemplars – Nothing is given. Everything is earned.
The directions were to make a connection between LeBron Jamesʻ famous quote and the road to the Universal Declaration of Human rights that we have been studying. You needed to use explicit evidence to support your connection. 3 means … Continue reading
4/11 – Road to Democracy Big Ideas
Instead of providing you with exemplars, I will be giving you the big ideas that I hoped to see in your extended responses. Please review them. If you feel that you adequately explained them in your answers, you can bring … Continue reading