11/30 Voting Rights test Tuesday

Your sequence thinking map of the voting timeline must be completed by Friday.  Remember, the top portion has the significant act (example could be only white men over 21 with land or a business can vote), and the box(es) below will have the reasons for this act (for example at that time white men with money had the most power, like George Washington who was the first president).

We will be considering the following question for the test on Tuesday.

Does the Voting Rights Act of 1965 still matter?

We will be reading this:


The Supreme Court in 2013 ruled that section 4 of the Voting Rights Act is unconstitutional, therefore, Section 5 is irrelevant, since it depends on Section 4.

Your answer will need to be supported by evidence from the sequence map, from the reading on voting restrictions, and what you learned from watching “Selma, Lord, Selma”.

I would recommend you practice writing out your thoughts on this subject prior to the test on Tuesday.  We will begin practicing on Friday.


About pekono

Kamehameha Schools Maui Middle School 6th Grade Social Studies
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