Day 1 Thursday Aug. 4, 2016
Opening Keynote by Mitchel Resnick(@mres). Check out the recording and listen to his discussion with Scratcher bubble103.
Hummingbird with Karen Polstra
Photo Shop, Adobe Illustrator alternatives: Sumo Paint
Hummingbird Youtube
Here’s the G-slide
Day 2 Friday Aug. 5, 2016
Physical computing with Scratch on the Raspberry Pi
Where to purchase? Allied Electric or MCM Electronics
Scratch Microworlds
Think of this as sharing Scratch templates with your students. Check out some samples by session participants here.
Snap! and the Beauty and Joy of Computing. Snap is based on Scratch but has more advanced features. Let’s take the EdX Mooc!
Snap Manual
BJC curriculum
Sniff Programming Transition from Scratch & Snap to text coding?
ScratchX – Need to try a Beta or experimental version of Scratch to add more peripherals or try extensions?
Where to purchase these toys? SparkFun Electronics, Adafruit
Explore curated photos and tweets featuring the #ScratchMIT2016 hashtag.
Watch the keynote webcasts and share them with others in your network.