About Ruby Redona

I am the Library Media Specialist at Kamehameha Schools for the lower grades.

Apple’s Official Guide To Teaching With Apps

Screen Shot 2014-05-24 at 2.56.40 PMClick the image above or click here to get a PDF copy of Apple’s Official Guide To Teaching With Apps!

5 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Learning App (According To Apple)

1. Engagement

2. Developmental Appropriateness

3. Instructional Design (novel idea)

4. Motivation

5. Accessibility

You might begin by exploring questions like:

  1. What parts of your lesson plans are you particularly passionate about? How could you best communicate that enthusiasm to students?
  2. Where do your students encounter roadblocks around a topic or lesson? What might help them get over these hurdles?
  3. What concepts or activities would you like to cover but don’t have enough time? Can they be taught more efficiently or combined with others?
  4. What are the opportunities to gain insights into student learning through the content they create with apps?
  5. The answers to these questions and the content in this guide can help as you begin to explore, choose, and integrate iOS apps into your classroom.”


Common Sense Media

Screen Shot 2014-04-29 at 1.22.55 PMWhat do I need to do?

To become a Common Sense Media Certified Educator: Digital Citizenship, you will need to complete all three of the following activities:

  1. For new applicants, complete our online curriculum tutorial OR attend an in-person training.
  2. Teach the basics of digital literacy and citizenship to students using Common Sense Media’s Curriculum or Digital Passport.
    Pick one:

    • Teach at least one unit (five 45-minute lessons) from the curriculum to the same group of students. Visit the Scope and Sequence to select the unit you want to teach. Or, for upper-elementary students, you can engage them in five modules of Digital Passport.
    • OR
    • Teach at least three lessons from the curriculum to two different groups of students. Visit the Scope and Sequence to select the unit you want to teach. Or, for upper-elementary students, you can engage two different groups in three modules of Digital Passport.
  3. Share what you’re doing with your principal, colleagues, and parent community.

Download the full educator guide to get more details on the criteria and the resources you need to take action. You can also download a presentation here that you can share with staff and faculty at school.