Category Archives: Nutrition Tips
Do You ..
1. Consider nutrition when making food choices?
Most of the time Sometimes Never
2. Avoid skipping meals?
Most of the time Sometimes Never
3. Include 3 or more whole grain foods daily
Most of the time Sometimes Never
4. Eat at least 2 cups of vegetables daily?
Most of the time Sometimes Never
5. Vary vegetables with dark green and orange varieties?
Most of the time Sometimes Never
6. Eat at least 2 cups of fruit daily?
Most of the time Sometimes Never
7. Get 3 cups low fat or fat free milk, yogurt, or cheese daily?
Most of the time Sometimes Never
8. Choose lean meat or poultry?
Most of the time Sometimes Never
9. Vary protein with mix of fish, beans, and nuts?
Most of the time Sometimes Never
10. Try to limit saturated fat and trans fat?
Most of the time Sometimes Never
Most of the time = 2 points
Sometimes = 1 point
16 – 20 points = You are eating healthy J J
10 – 15 points = You are on track J 🙂
5 – 9 points = Sometimes you eat smart
Reading Labels
Click her to view: Did You Know how to read a nutrition label
Healthy Food Choices
Smart Food Principal
Click here to view smart-food-principal
Kids Healthy Eating
Nutrition Tips
Beans and peas are the only food that fit into two groups on the USDA Food Guide Pyramid.Beans are in the Meat & Bean Group because they are a good source of protein and iron. Even better, they provide a low-fat, no saturated fat and no cholesterol source of protein. Beans are also in the Vegetable Group because they are a plant-based food. They aren’t just any vegetable, they are a nutrient-rich powerhouse that provides an excellent source of fiber, and of folate, potassium, iron and antioxidants.Beans may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers; help maintain a healthy intestinal track; helps increase satiety.
Eat With Color
An easy way to decide how to eat better is to eat right by color with an increased focus on plant based foods. Color your plate with these colors:
Green produce have antioxidants that may promote healthy vision and reduce cancer risks.Orange and deep yellow fruits and vegetables have nutrients that promote healthy vision and immunity and reduce the risk of some cancers.Purple and blue may have antioxidants and anti-aging benefits and may help with memory, urinary tract health and reduced cancer risk.Red produce may help maintain a healthy heart, vision, immunity and may reduce cancer risks.White, tan, and brown foods sometimes contain nutrients that may promote heath and reduce cancer risks
Fiber: Nature’s Secret Non-Nutrient
Fiber is not a nutrient since it doesn’t dissolve in the digestive tract and never enters the bloodstream. But it’s indispensable when trying to eat healthy. There are two types of fiber. Insoluble fiber (the rough stuff in whole wheat bread and broccoli) acts like a sponge by taking up water in the intestines and helps make stools bulky and soft.
Then there is soluble fiber (like in the soluble-fiber powerhouse oatmeal, as well as in peas, dried beans , apples, oranges, carrots) that turns into a sticky gel in the intestines. It pulls cholesterol along with it as it moves through the body, preventing cholesterol from entering the bloodstream and clogging arteries.
Fiber has another benefit that makes it a valuable disease fighter: it passes slowly from the stomach to the intestines, which is a must if you are trying to control your weight since it makes you feel full