lunch tray

Do You ..

1.  Consider nutrition when making food choices?

                                Most of the time                             Sometimes                         Never

2.  Avoid skipping meals?

                                Most of the time                             Sometimes                         Never

3.  Include 3 or more whole grain foods daily

                                Most of the time                             Sometimes                         Never

4.  Eat at least 2 cups of vegetables daily?

                                Most of the time                             Sometimes                         Never                  

5.  Vary vegetables with dark green and orange varieties?

                                Most of the time                             Sometimes                         Never

6.  Eat at least 2 cups of fruit daily?

                                Most of the time                             Sometimes                         Never

7.  Get 3 cups low fat or fat free milk, yogurt, or cheese daily?

                                Most of the time                             Sometimes                         Never

8.  Choose lean meat or poultry?

                                Most of the time                             Sometimes                         Never

9.  Vary protein with mix of fish, beans, and nuts?

                                Most of the time                             Sometimes                         Never

10. Try to limit saturated fat and trans fat?

                                Most of the time                             Sometimes                         Never

Most of the time = 2 points

Sometimes = 1 point

16 – 20 points  =  You are eating healthy  J J

10 – 15 points =  You are on track  J 🙂

                   5 –  9   points   = Sometimes you eat smart