The USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion says the MyPlate Icon is part of a larger communications initiative bases on 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans to help consumers make better food choices
MyPlate is designed to remind Americans to eat healthfully; it is not intended to change consumer behavior alone.
Mrs. Obama says” We are going to need everyone’s time and talent to solve the childhood obesity epidemic and our Nation’s chefs have tremendous power as leaders on this issue because of their deep knowledge of food and nutrition and their standing in the community.”
Here at KES and Ulupono we are helping to plant the seeds towards healthy eating by using the “MyPlate” concept for preschool and gradeK-1. In addition we have sent home with each student a colorful card for their parent which outlines ways they may teach their youngsters to:
- Make half their plate fruits and vegetables…
- Make half their grains whole grains…
- Eat a variety of protein foods…
- Increase their intake of low-fat or fat-free milk…
- Drink water instead of sugary drinks…
- Have healthy snacks…
This MyPlate concept is not limited to the younger students. We have included the very colorful banners at the High School, Middle School at Keawe Gym, which fills in as the dining hall during this construction period, and at the Elementary Dining Hall. All there to re-enforce healthy eating habits to help overcome the obesity epidemic.
MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet uses a familiar image—a place setting for a meal. This concept asks the children before you eat, think about what goes on your plate or in your cup or bowl.
The Food and Nutrition Services Department partnered with the Elementary and Preschool to provide these plates which replace our disposable 5 compartment trays. Each day individual classrooms receive their allotment of plates and they are returned at the end of the meal service to be washed and dried by the Akahi staff. This concept has been embraced by all of the participants, teachers, Educational Assistants and students.