This week KA was happy to greet two more parents as they shared their kuleana in our kaiaulu.
On Wednesday Aunty Darien- Dara’s Mom- came and told us about her work as a prosecutor. She shared the important idea that we all need to make good decisions about what we do so that we can live in a pono manner. We learned that she went to law school with our mayor and that the broken paddle image is used as a logo for the Hawaii Bar Association because of its reference to one of the first Hawaiian laws! She provided the keiki with some stickers and the volcano project- in which we discussed ways to move from upset feelings to calming down strategies. Mahalo Aunty Darien!
On Thursday Uncle Sonny- Kahili’s Dad- came and shared his job as a graphic designer. He showed us work that he’s done to help people in our kaiaulu advertise their jobs or just make banners for fun as well as for signs. He does his work using the computer and a very big printer. He told us we only need to know three shapes in order to draw- the circle, triangle and square– wow! We can draw those! He also made the keiki their own personal sticker- Mahalo Uncle Sonny!