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A Parent’s Ultimate Guide to YouTube
The students have been listening to music in class via YouTube, so now is the perfect opportunity to talk about how parents can guide your teens through YouTube and try and avoid the “iffy,” age inappropriate material that is mixed in with the educational and appropriate materials.
Check out this video from Common Sense Media and get more parent tips and answers to frequently asked questions from the article “Parents’ Guide to YouTube”
Cyberbullying, Haters, and Trolls
Three Places Families Should Make Phone-Free
In our family, talking to each other is always a competition with some sort of electronics, but I am guilty of that too. The dinner table, the bedroom and the car are all places kids should be kept from using their phones.
Video: A Common Sense Approach to Internet Safety short video gives common sense strategies that families can use to keep their kids safe online.
Laptop Checklist for SY 2017-2018
Welcome to Hale Pahana Kipaepae!
In order for students to receive a KS issued laptop, please complete the following by July 14, 2017:
* PARENTS – If you have completed the Parent Assessment for a student attending Kamehameha Schools Hawaii, High School, you do not need to complete again. However, you do need to complete the Parent Laptop Agreement
If you have any questions about the training, please call or email John Nordblom at 982-0466 or [email protected].
Tips for accessing the training’s
- Check to see if your flash player is up to date by clicking here
- Use Firefox if possible
- Make sure your audio is turned on (some smartphones may require headphones
2018 Laptop Roll-In Check List & Information
HPK Kula Waena
Contact HPK Tech Coordinator:
- John Nordblom
- [email protected]
- 808 982 0466
Where will Roll-In take place:
- 8th grade foyer outside MPR
When will Roll-In take place:
- 6th Grade 5/21/18
- 8th Grade 5/21/18
- 7th Grade 5/21/18
Laptops must be in working condition. Please report to HPK if items have been lost or damaged before Roll-In. A fee will be imposed for any damaged or lost items at the time of Roll-In.
Damaged accessories cost:
- Laptop: $1200.00
- Power brick: $70.00
- AC Cable: $69.99
- Bag: $50.00
Students must have all items list below:
- Laptop open and running
- Charger
- AC Cable
- Bag
Laptops will be inspected:
- Screen damage
- Missing keys
- Charger Damage
- Track pad issues
- Remove all stickers on/under the protective case
Roll-In Process:
All students will gather outside MPR building 11 and empty their laptop bags into the trash. Use your last name to find the laptop inspection table. Walk to the table with your laptop open and running. Have all of your laptop accessories ready to be turned in. You will sign the inspection sheet once items have been found to be complete. If you have broken or lost items, you will be sent to HPK for payment arrangements.
2016-2017 Laptop Roll-out Check List
In order for your child to take home his/her school issued laptop and accessories, the following requirement(s) must be completed and submitted on July 15, 2016:
- Signed 1:1 Student/Parent Agreement Contract
- Parent Internet Safety Training
- Parent Guidebook Training
- Student Internet Safety Training
- Student Guidebook Training
Tips for accessing the trainings
- Check to see if your flash player is up to date by clicking here
- Use Firefox if possible
- Make sure your audio is turned on (some smartphones may require headphones
Parents may use the links above or click here to complete the Trainings. Students may use the links above or click here to complete the trainings. If you have any questions about the training, please call or email John Nordblom at 982-0466 or [email protected].
If you have completed the trainings for a student attending Kamehameha Schools Hawaii, High School, you do not need to complete again. Simply click here to complete a quick form for our records.
Turnitin Parent Agreement Form
Turn-It-In is an online writing assessment tool which teachers and students will be using in this upcoming trimester. We would like to have parents aware of any online tools that our students use, so a parent permission form is posted here if you need one.
Kokua Aku Kokua Mai
Kahiau-KS Hawai`i Donations Requested
August 13, 2014
Aloha mai kākou e nā ‘ohana o Kamehameha Hawai`i!
We are so thankful and blessed that no one was seriously injured as we all weathered Hurricane Iselle together. We thank you all for the support and kōkua that our families have already given to folks in our community who are in need.
Our Kamehameha Hawai`i campus leadership team conducted an initial needs assessment over the past two days and learned that there are approximately 200 Kamehameha Hawai`i students and 60 faculty and staff who live in heavily impacted areas that are still without electrical power and/or running water.
We are reaching out to you, our `ohana, faculty, staff who are able to kōkua by donating extra supplies your family did not use as you prepared for the storm, or anything else you are able to contribute by logging on to our Kamehameha Schools Hawai`i Iselle Relief Sign Up Genius website at: You can access the same site to sign up to volunteer to collect, organize or distribute supplies.
Our goal is to organize volunteers over the next two days to donate, gather and assemble basic relief supplies for our Kamehameha Hawai`i students and staff, and distribute supplies this Friday afternoon between 2-4pm. Basic supplies needed include:
- Bottled water
- Non-perishable (unexpired) canned foods such as pork and beans, green beans, other canned vegetables, canned fruit, soups, canned meats, saimin packs, etc.
- Paper plates
- Plastic forks, knives, spoons
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- Baby wipes
- Large heavy duty trash bags
- Flashlights/batteries
If you or your child will be driving to campus this Thursday or Friday, volunteers will be accepting donations at our central donation site at the Pai`ea Stadium parking lot. If your child will be bringing donations on the bus, bus drivers will be accepting donations in the morning only and will drop them at the Pai`ea Stadium on your behalf. Please pack donated items in secure containers/boxes or ziplock bags so that supplies do not roll around in bus storage. Keiki who ride on the Honomū bus (Honoka`a to Papa`ikou Route 2) will need to take their supplies/donation on to the bus. Donations on the Honomū bus must be small enough to fit under the student’s bus seat.
Campus Drop off Times at Pai`ea Stadium Parking Lot
Thursday, August 14
- 7:00-8:00 am
- 2:00-3:30 pm
Friday, August 15
- 7:00-8:00 am
All supplies received will be distributed first to our KS `ohana. Any extra supplies will be donated to our Puna community who are in need.
We are grateful to Ke Akua and ALL of you, for your lokomaika`i (generosity) as we continue to kōkua our keiki and mākua who were most affected by the recent storm.
E ola kākou me ke aloha a me ka mahalo nui,
Dr. Holoua Stender, Po`o Kula
Chenielle Quiacusan, PTO President