Students in 3B completed an independent research study on a famous person of their choice. For this research, Kumu Kanani taught the haumana how to use their iPads for notetaking. Students recorded information about their famous person from books and the internet. Next they went through the research writing process to complete a written paper. Various skills were integrated from reading and writing to produce their written work.
Kumu Kanani and Ms. Richardson visited our class earlier this week to teach us all about a new App called “Explain Everything”. Using this tool, the students created a slideshow of their findings to inform others about their famous person.
We learned that this app is a great way to publish a piece of writing in an interesting and creative way. However, this app isn’t as easy as the other apps that we’ve been using on the iPads. The great thing is that our keiki are very eager to explore and discover how to do things on their own. They have taught their teachers a thing or two already using “Explain Everything”.
As we finish up our projects, we will post them here for you to see. Hulali is the first one to complete her slideshow. Take a look and see what she learned about Laura Ingalls Wilder and about the app “Explain Everything”. Good job, Hulali!