August 17, 2018 – Click on the link below
Readers Tic Tac Toe – Beginning of year
Readerʻs TicTacToe Approval Sheet
September 4, 2018- Blackout Bingo Sheet due 9/28/18
We will continue with their tic-tac-toe sheets from last week and work towards blackout bingo. This revised timeline provides additional:
- chapter book reading time!
- writing practice to include text evidence and personal connections of HOW and/or WHY readers feel their selected book or text is just right for him/her.
- observation and exploration practice with book BEFORE committing to reading the book or text all the way through.
Please DO NOT sign your childʻs tic-tac-toe box, if the Kumu approval is not signed.
During the month of September, writing a summary or completing a reading response after their 25 minutes of nightly reading is optional. Our focus this month is to develop within our students an awareness of how and why theyʻve selected their books and citing evidence from their selected text to show how theyʻve determined their book or text is a just right fit!
In October, we will move into reading/written responses to their nightly reading.
(Update 9/4)–
-We’ve decided to have students complete all book approvals in school to encourage more reading time at home.
-We want to clarify that all books a student reads does not need an approval sheet. We’ve shared the difference between FREE READ and ASSIGNED READ.
Free read means students can explore or browse through a variety of text without committing to it. We used the imagery of tasting the food samples at Costco. Food samples are free and enables the customer to determine if they will buy or not! Assigned reading means a student commits to the text! This commitment is shown with an approval sheet because they are committed to reading the text all the way through. With our Costco example, this means the costumer has decided to buy the food item and must purchase it at checkout. This is the customers commitment to that product!