Poʻakahi 4/26/21
Poʻalua 4/27/21
Poʻakolu 4/28/21
Poʻahā 4/29/21
- April Birthday celebrations at Kula with treats!
Poʻalima 4/30/21
- Lā Mei Celebration 8:30am – 11am with Haumāna ONLY;
- NO Public audience, recordings will be made available later for ʻohana.
- Early Release Day at 11:15am; please make arrangements to pick up your keiki at bus stop or at kula at the earlier designated time. https://kshtransportation.weebly.com/uploads/2/8/6/6/28666173/current_k-8_early_bus_schedule__3__4-30-2021.pdf
Hauʻoli Lā Hānau this week (4/25 – 4/1) to:
KB: Jayce Emata
3A: Drea Devaney; Brody Moniz
5A: Hannah Acob
Kumu Hokoana