9 Replies to “March 9-13, 2009”

  1. 1. Independent Living Presentation
    2. Website Discussion with Sharonda about 1:1 Core Team Website
    3. 1:1 Core Team Meeting

  2. 1. Polaris Mtg w/ Gail & Clare, MLC
    2. Website Planning Mtg w/ L. Park, Math DH
    3. Video Tutorials w/Ofa, Boarding Dept.

  3. 1. ITMD Framework Mtg. with Dr. Chamberlain
    2. Promethean Boards Mtg. with Laurie Seto and Renee Teraoka
    3. KMS ITRT Mtg.

  4. 1. B. Kekuna document/file formatting
    2. Georgette Kala – Excel/Internet research
    3. ITMD class

  5. 1. ITMD Pilot – Meetings with Tina, Darrin, and Dr. Chamberlain
    2. Excel Class – KES ITMD Pilot Participants
    3. Meet with Sharonda & Melia – laptop website

  6. 1. Adobe Reader-Mtg. w/ PE 3/4

    2. Entourage – Laura Duffy

    3. BB Course cartridges- Kendra McBride, Randy Kim, & Justin Culley

  7. 1. Elluminate: Adobe Presenter-Quiz Manager (Pomai’s Team)
    2. Elluminate: AP Lit-Orientation, Book Discussion/Spring Break Project
    3. Elluminate: Orientation, Troubleshoot Smartboard, Blackboard: Using HTML code & clipart to provide quiz feedback.

  8. 1. KES gr. 3 podcast project.
    2. Turnitin research for ‘Ohe Team.
    3. Google Earth planning meeting w/ Momi Akana.

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