9 Kū Mauna – an all-day orientation designed to ease the high school transition for freshmen through cultural activities centered on mālama kekahi i kekahi, or mutual care & trust.
9 Freshmen Family Forum – an evening where Gr. 9 haumāna and their mākua can do a pulse check on their freshmen experience by asking questions, listening to kumu & upperclassmen share their Gr. 9 experiences, & meeting with counselors.
10 Hālāwai Series – quarterly hālāwai, or ‘ohana gatherings, to help Sophomores & Juniors understand their respective values of hō‘ihi & kuleana. Hālāwai provide timely touch points on respect & responsibility through student speakers, musical performances, engaging discussions, & multimedia presentations.
K-12 Sunset on Konia – an opportunity for our entire Kamehameha ‘Ohana to enjoy a relaxing evening with entertainment & a Thanksgiving message by Kahu Kekoa on Konia Field.
12 Senior Service Day – a day where the Senior Class gives back to the community by serving various areas on O‘ahu.
11-12 Ethics Leadership Retreat – a weekend retreat for selected upperclassmen leaders to produce a plan of action to remedy a certain ethical issue (or set of issues) on campus. The plan of action is then shared with Administration.
9-12 Kū Mauna Leadership Retreat – a weekend retreat for selected Student Alaka‘i in Gr. 9-12 who are trained to assist facilitators at Kū Mauna.
9-12 Cooking for the Homeless– a monthly service provided by Character Education in collaboration with the Tree Huggers Club. Haumāna & Kumu meet at the Church of the Crossroads the first Saturday of every month to cook for the homeless. The meal is then delivered to IHS (Institute of Human Services).