Tag Archives: Professional Development

We hope you’ve saved June 5-6 on your calendars for the KS 2018 Education Technology Conference “Disrupt 2018.”  

Please see the updated flyer (below) about this exciting event and for the registration link. We are excited to announce that Arthur Renowitsky and Eugene Yoon will be teaming up as keynote speakers for our conference.  Space is limited to 400 participants and seats are filling quickly, so REGISTER NOW! The deadline to register is May 25, 2018.

•         Registration link: http://blogs.ksbe.edu/edtechconference

•         More information about additional keynote speakers and breakout sessions will be coming soon!

Our Call for Proposals is still open, and proposals are being received at https://goo.gl/forms/bWKStFKddDWk5uzB2 . Presenters will receive complimentary conference registration.

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HITC 2017


Aloha mai kākou,

Please save the date and share! 🙂

The 2017 HITC planning committee is excited to confirm March 31, 2017 for our annual Hawaii Island TechEd Collaboration Conference at Kamehameha Schools, Hawai’i.  As in previous years, the conference is FREE of charge.  The HITC planning committee is also pleased to issue a call for presenters.  To submit a proposal, please click on the call for presenters tab at our Conference Website, http://blogs.ksbe.edu/hitc2017/, or simply click here.

Proposal Deadline: January 15, 2016

Additional information is coming soon, including this year’s Keynote and featured presenters.


The HITC Planning Committee

Technology Solutions for Early Childhood Symposium – The Future is Now

The Center on Technology and Disability with U.S. Department of Education is offerscreen-shot-2016-11-15-at-11-27-40-aming a free Online Event for early childhood educators and parents.

“Join thought leaders in early childhood development and assistive technology (AT) at this CTD symposium for Federal policy makers, national association staff, researchers, family advocates, and others. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), participants will learn about evidence-based practices, interesting research being conducted, and ways in which families are successfully using technology to support the developmental and learning needs of their children. We will be live streaming the event sessions live throughout the day.  We will be posting exact session times soon.”


Click here for more information.