Tag Archives: Productivity
10 Ways Google Keep Can Help Streamline Life at School
This is an excellent introduction to Google Keep by Matt Miller from “Ditch That Textbook.”
I personally use Google Keep all the time and love it! It is a powerful tool for organization and productivity.
A Brief Introduction to Google Drawings
In this quick intro to Google Drawings, you will learn how to annotate a screenshot. This is an excellent skill for creating resources for your classroom.
The NEW Google Forms: 9 classroom uses
Here is an excellent list of creative ways to use Google Forms in your classroom – brought to you by our friends at Ditch That Textbook. There are even templates that you can copy and customize! Enjoy!
Click the image below or use the following link. http://ditchthattextbook.com/2016/02/12/the-new-google-forms-9-classroom-uses/